Therapeutic Massage is a process where by you and your therapist will discuss a remedidal approach to the health concerns that brought you in to see us. This begins with a consultation on your health history as it pertains to your primary concern with pain and restriction in one or more areas of your body. If you are seeing other health care professionals be sure to explain any insights they have shared with you reguarding your health. Bring along any x-rays or lab results that can help your therapist get a better understanding of the care you are currently recieving. This will help intergrate your massage therapy with other modalities for a more synergistic effect on your health.
An assessment involving questions about your subjective experience of the issue.Along with range of motion tests, is performed to determine the severity of pain and restriction.
Then your therapist will form a Customized treatment plan with you, that allows you to move back into balance at a pace you are comfortable with.